Handy Coder Machine Handy Coder, also known as a batch coder, is a portable machine that marks important information like batch number, manufacturing, expiry date, net weight, etc., on both absorbent and non-absorbent surfaces. The ink roller and type box are assembled with the machine to use the handy coder. The required letters and numbers are stuck on the stereo roller, and the ink is spread on the roller before attaching it to the handy coder. After these steps, the handy coder is ready to be used. The Handy Coder model has a printing area of 95*350 and uses an easily changeable grooved rubber stereo that ranges from 3mm to 39mm. The inking medium is a rechargeable, high-capacity porous/non-porous ink cartridge, and the printing medium can be porous or non-porous ink in black, red, or white colors. The handy coder can provide up to 1, 000 impressions per charge of 10ml/20ml/40ml.
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